Double Heller, Double Radler
On Tuesday, we will be packaging four different beer options for our online store and our retail store!
Heller Highwater 473ml - our classic German Helles will be back in stock!
Heller Highwater 355ml (4 packs) - we haven't had these available since May 2019 and are excited to have them back as part of our upcoming 10th Anniversary
Grapefruit Radler - we first started making this in 2015 and are very happy to have it available once again for spring and summer
Cherry Radler - a fan favourite in the Taproom last year, we are making a lot more cans for 2020

Happy Tuesday! Will the Cherry Radler be ready on Wednesday online?

I’m ready. Make it happen.

I was a bit late in discovering your Pumper Nickel. I had a quick taste in the Taproom and only bought one can (in addition about $20-30 of Blonde and Heller, my regulars). I loved the Pumpernickel. Please make it more often and let me know when it’s coming so I don’t miss out. Approx what would be the shelf life assuming it’s kept in a normal refrigerator?
I was a regular at your original store from almost the beginning. Shawner (spelling??) served me, about 2010; later Krista.