Opening Date ???
I would like to thank all of you who have stopped by the new location, called us, emailed us, and sent us messages through social media.
The question that all of you have asked is the same one - When are you opening? For a while now, my response has been 2-3 weeks, we are just waiting on two pieces of paper, one permit and one license.
The problem is that I have been providing people with the same response for almost two months now, so I am going to change my answer to:
I really hope we will be able to open in June, but I have no idea when we can expect to have these final two pieces of the puzzle in place.
I am personally very sorry for this delay and would also like to apologize for giving any false hope or information. This is our first time moving a brewery and I could never have imagined that it would have been this difficult from the point of administration and red tape.
Lastly, yes we will soon have our signage up at the new location. We are just waiting for 2-3 straight days of warm and dry weather for the installation.
Thank you all,

I am so looking forward to having you open. I can only imagine the difficulty in moving vats etc. And paper work too.
Will you have a stout?

Patiently waiting 🤣

Keep up the good work and we all look forward to having the beautiful new location up and running! Nothing seems simple when it comes to red tape but you’re doing what is necessary and we are all grateful for that.